The Truth About Calcium (and How to Manage It)

Believe it or not, most humans are born with plenty of calcium and the trick is to enjoy a diet and lifestyle that doesn’t cause too much of it to leach from the bones into the blood. This can happen (for one example) if the system is too acidic and the body is trying to neutralise the Ph.

Diet/lifestyle, environment (petro-chemicals), stress/mood and aggressive exercise, over-tensing and over-breathing are all likely contributors.

One of the best foods to enhance calcium levels are these little suckers. Sesame seeds also contain magnesium which is essential if the calcium in a food is to be absorbable (cow’s milk contains very little magnesium and is quite acidic so has the opposite effect to what it is often purported by the Dairy Corp, delicious though it might be…).

Sesame seeds also lower cholesterol and contain iron, manganese and zinc.

Easy to incorporate by sprinkling on your salad or brekkie or by turn into tahini. Yummmmmmmmmmm

Having stated all this, it can be difficult to get your head around and important to note that not everyone supports this view. We are trapped in old ways of thinking when it comes to diet memes and still encouraged to consume dairy to improve our calcium levels. I am no vegan, but I do find it interesting that we imagine a human animal could have evolved this way – in other words needing products from another animal that (in most instances) isn’t even native to the region. It’s also important to know – before you make your mind up – that countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are also the biggest consumers of dairy (Canada, Australia and the UK).

Interestingly (or not..) vegans and vegetarians – at least those of whom with an understanding or proper nutrition – often have very low rates of osteoporosis. So…do your research – certainly you don’t have to take my word for it but perhaps check this website out for starters:

The source of much of my health and nutritional information comes from many hours of anatomy and physiology workshopping with Master yogi, lecturer and scientist Simon Borg-Oliver. You can read this stuff for yourself including research citations in the tome “Applied Anatomy and Physilogy of Yoga” by Simon Borg-Oliver (MSc BAppSc) and Bianca Machliss (Bsc BAppSc).