Go Natural, Chillax and Look After Your Liver
You might think of stress as being something that happens when we are upset or scared, but it’s not only how we feel about one-off events – that’s just one form of stress. It’s also how we process that stress emotionally. How willing are we to let go of things that don’t really matter? How do we feel day-to-day – for example, about our relationship; where we live or our job?
Why Practise Nadi Shodhana Pranyama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)?
When you think about it, the body is essentially made up of channels; consider, for example, how blood, air, water, energy information and matter is able to circulate and move. We have a windpipe, intestines, capillaries, arteries, blood vessels and glands – sweat and otherwise – to name but a few. Ayurvedic health science describes many of these as shrotas.
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Introduction to Ayurveda (The Ancient Science of Self-Healing)
Just like its sister science, yoga, Ayurveda is a completely holistic system stemming from the Rig-Veda, one of India’s most ancient philosophical texts which is thought to have been written sometime between 4500 and 1600 BC. The text contains a collection of works recorded by many great sages who were concerned about human health and wellness. Much of what these ancient sages believed to be true about human anatomy and physiology has been confirmed these days by modern science.
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The Yamas & Niyamas in accordance with Patanjali’s Eight Limbs (Astanga)
There’s not much that’s more frustrating to a long-term yoga teacher than the belief yoga is a form of exercise so here’s a brief interpretation of the yamas and niyamas in accordance with Patanjali’s sutras.
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Whatever Else You Do, You MUST do This Occasionally…
“Practice ‘not-doing’ and everything will fall into place”
– Lao Tzu.
Its surprising how many chronic health conditions are stress-related, but typically, what kind of things would we normally describe as stressful?
Hardcore or Soft Centre? Why Opting for Balance is More Sustainable
Intellectually we understand what is meant by the words sustain and balance, and we use them constantly. But what do they really mean? Sustain: Support, bear the weight of (for a long period), encourage, give nourishment, going continuously, maintain. Sustainable: ..[which] conserves an ecological balance by avoiding depletion of natural resources. Balance: Stability of body or…
“Can You Please Explain?” : Why We Should Never Stop Putting Our Hands Up…
History shows us that narcissists such as Hitler and others like him had amazing rhetorics and super-human egos. So yes, it seems easy now to ask “How did that happen? Why?” But I would argue that on some level, this kind of stuff happens every day. For the most part though, thankfully, it doesn’t lead to such immense harm. It’s important nonetheless though because, even when belief has nothing to do with narcissistic behaviour or confrontation, we often find ourselves swept up in the idea of something and never even think to question what we are being expected to accept in good faith. “WOW? Tuppaware lasts forever?” (Yep and so does most plastic). “What? Bicarb can cure cancer?” (er no unfortunately…). And then of course there’s unsubstantiated gossip, memes and hearsay.
The Year My Life Broke
I’m sure I am not alone when I think back to all the nervousness and excitement associated with the Y2K bug in that it seems like only five minutes ago. The year 2000 was a massive life shift for me. To put it bluntly, everything really did fall to shit and my life really did seem to break. But, that aside, all life experiences – good or bad – can be useful tools for change and growth (after the fact of course and as long as we don’t let them get the better of us).
Death to the Sausage Sizzle: Creating Better Habits in 2016
Can we create better habits in 2016? It doesn’t matter whether you consider them to be good or bad; habits are hard to break. But because of this, it totally makes sense that it is worth working towards creating better ones. Of course, we have to put the work in and accept that we may not be immediately…
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Get Your Head out of Your Asana: Yoga is Actually a Complete Health System
Anyone can practise yoga or be a “yogi”. It does not have to be on a mat, in a yoga studio or while wearing Lululemon. We may get it wrong from time to time, but that’s all okay because we just do our best. We are practising love and respect for all – including (or…