The Truth About Calcium (and How to Manage It)

The Truth About Calcium (and How to Manage It)

Believe it or not, most humans are born with plenty of calcium and the trick is to enjoy a diet and lifestyle that doesn’t cause too much of it to leach from the bones into the blood. This can happen (for one example) if the system is too acidic and the body is trying to…

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How to Practise Tadasana or Samasthiti (in Daily Life as Well as Class)

Samasthiti or tadasana helps us create awareness of our “normal” posture. It can help us realise the habits we have slipped in to, the strength we have lost; the tension we might naturally hold on to in order to try to keep ourselves upright.

Tadasana translates to mean mountain pose whereas samasthiti means “upright” or “equal”. In other words, to establish a sense of power and relaxation in a dynamic yet soft way. Tadasana and samasthiti represent a kind of “proforma” for all the standing poses. What we do in these poses, we try to recreate in most of the other standing postures in some way.

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