The Truth About Calcium (and How to Manage It)

The Truth About Calcium (and How to Manage It)

Believe it or not, most humans are born with plenty of calcium and the trick is to enjoy a diet and lifestyle that doesn’t cause too much of it to leach from the bones into the blood. This can happen (for one example) if the system is too acidic and the body is trying to…

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Happy 2017: The Importance of “Satsang”

The word “satsang” is a sanskrit word that means something along the lines of community gathering. Satya is the yogic yama meaning truthfulness or honesty and “sanga” means community. Along with the laughs, what I realised after my week in Bellingen, was the importance of community and connection and how the creative arts – and indeed all group activity – is so important on a deep level.

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Mango & Cashew Salad

The original creator of this salad was Neil Perry for the SMH’s Good Weekend magazine. It’s so tangy and delicious that I make it all the time, but I generally never follow recipes to the letter so it always changes a bit depending on what I have. Neil’s original recipe for example was with macadamias but…

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Raw Chocolate Organic Fruit & Nut Energy Bites

Finally, here is the recipe for the raw chocolate energy bars I made a few weeks ago as sustenance on an almost 30k walk without having to stop to eat a meal. I wanted to take something that was easy to nibble on the go, wouldn’t feel too filling and contained all the essential ingredients…

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Why we all need to Go The XXXX To Sleep!

Although balance is often discussed in our modern life in terms of diet and exercise, sometimes I think we forget about one absolutely vital element that costs nothing, but yet is often difficult to source; rest and proper sleep. The effects of not sleeping properly are many and varied and none of them are positive. How many times have you heard…

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Feeling un-co? Why You Should Challenge your Somatic Awareness

Yogasphere one legged dog pose

As young children, all being well, we are motivated to develop somatic awareness or communication pathways between the brain and the body. It’s how we learn to move a particular body part in a particular way. Over time, we become more coordinated in our movement patterns and for the most part, with simple things, we…

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