Get Off the Treadmill (& Say No to Calorie Counting)
Posts Tagged ‘exercise’
Get Off the Treadmill (& Say No to Calorie Counting)
It’s a fair observation that many people who do intense aerobic exercise just because they want to burn calories and lose weight often don’t really lose much weight – or if they do, it’s never for that long. Do you know anyone like this? Always exercising and on the “health” treadmill, but finding long-term physical…
Read MoreWhy is Range of Movement & Flexibility So Important?
A few years ago, I remember a friend saying, “Why do I need to be flexible anyway?”. There are many, many reasons. Firstly, flexibility and mobility enables us to maintain good health by encouraging blood flow and circulation – there is limited blood flow into tense, tight muscles.
Read MoreHow Yogasana Works!
I always tend to offer poses and exercises that are more accessible to the majority in class, so we don’t usually practise this asana – bhujapidasana (swing) pose as part of a sequence, although we may do subtle variations of it in a more doable way that simply recreates the subtle yet powerful activations. Either…
Read MoreWhat Do You Do When You Are Feeling Flat?
We all go through feelings of blah from time to time and sometimes it can seem as if there is no rhyme or reason. I don’t know if that’s entirely true, but it may be that it’s just difficult to identify a specific cause. For lots of us, there are so many thoughts and feelings…
Read MoreIt’s all in the Hips (continued..) When Pathology is Pointless, Practise Detachment
A week or so ago, I posted a piece about modern human hips and some of the ingredients that have lead so many of us to tightness and tension in that area. It’s a subject deserving of an entire book or documentary series perhaps but I had a few questions about it, so here is a sort…
Read MorePièce de Résistance!
What does it mean to create “resistance” when practising physical yoga exercises and how does it work? Most people understand the value of resistance training in a fitness class and may use equipment to do it, but you don’t need any really, because it is possible to use your own body and I love the…
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