How can what we practise on our mat, prepare us for what may happen in our life?
Posts Tagged ‘yogatherapy’
How can what we practise on our mat, prepare us for what may happen in our life?
Here’s one of my favourite poses, Parvrtta Janu Sirsasana (Twisting Head to Knee Pose), an easier version of which we are doing in our sequence this term. It’s a beautiful side stretch which, among other things, tones and nourishes the kidneys. The way we come into it in class means there is the option of…
Read MoreWhy do Human Bodies Need To Move?
Why do humans need to exercise? It’s a shame if the first thing to pop into your mind was “to burn calories” as it sort of misses the point. Most of us in the modern, Western World eat far too much and just don’t move enough, so if we just stopped eating so much, we’d…
Read MoreWhy is Range of Movement & Flexibility So Important?
A few years ago, I remember a friend saying, “Why do I need to be flexible anyway?”. There are many, many reasons. Firstly, flexibility and mobility enables us to maintain good health by encouraging blood flow and circulation – there is limited blood flow into tense, tight muscles.
Read MoreWhy Yoga Teachers Should Adopt a “Best Practise” Model.
At the end of the 90s, I worked at Dorling Kindersley publishing and we were working on edits for the Australian market of the big, hard cover book by BKS Iyengar. I was asked for some input and added my yoga school at the back. The Australian Iyengees were very cross once the book came out because that school wasn’t specifically “Iyengar, so for future editions, it was changed. But was Iyengar that rigid? it’s probably fair to say that he just described his yoga as “yoga”.
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