Building Resilience

Building Resilience

“When you have a problem, see if you can find out for yourself why you have a problem“ – SHUNRYU SUZUKI During the 70s and 80s when I was growing up in the UK I don’t remember children’s feelings being indulged at all. At least not in my world. Many of us were told to…

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Why we all need to Go The XXXX To Sleep!

Although balance is often discussed in our modern life in terms of diet and exercise, sometimes I think we forget about one absolutely vital element that costs nothing, but yet is often difficult to source; rest and proper sleep. The effects of not sleeping properly are many and varied and none of them are positive. How many times have you heard…

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Feeling un-co? Why You Should Challenge your Somatic Awareness

Yogasphere one legged dog pose

As young children, all being well, we are motivated to develop somatic awareness or communication pathways between the brain and the body. It’s how we learn to move a particular body part in a particular way. Over time, we become more coordinated in our movement patterns and for the most part, with simple things, we…

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Is Motivation Really Necessary?

The other day just before a morning yoga class, a conversation ensued about the idea of showing up. The discussion was centred around whether how we actually feel about showing up for something (in other words motivated or not) is a useful way to think.

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Does Age Have Much to Do with Physical Ability or Fitness?

I find it interesting when I see exercise classes for the “over 50”, since, being in my 40s, and having lots of friends in their 40s, I wonder who decided 50 was the age that people needed to have special exercise class designed just for them! I say this because one of my friends in her mid 40s just completed an Ironman competition along with many other 40 and 50 plus folk.

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Go Natural, Chillax and Look After Your Liver

You might think of stress as being something that happens when we are upset or scared, but it’s not only how we feel about one-off events – that’s just one form of stress. It’s also how we process that stress emotionally. How willing are we to let go of things that don’t really matter? How do we feel day-to-day – for example, about our relationship; where we live or our job?

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Why Practise Nadi Shodhana Pranyama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)?

When you think about it, the body is essentially made up of channels; consider, for example, how blood, air, water, energy information and matter is able to circulate and move. We have a windpipe, intestines, capillaries, arteries, blood vessels and glands – sweat and otherwise – to name but a few. Ayurvedic health science describes many of these as shrotas.

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