Yoga / Body-Weight Training? Here’s How
Posts Tagged ‘yogabody’
Yoga / Body-Weight Training? Here’s How
Unfortunately, on Earth, we are all at the mercy of gravity. It means that every single day, our joint spaces are getting a little bit smaller and (particularly the spinal joints) our bones are moving just a little bit closer together.
Read MoreCore Strength? Butt Firing? Cardio? How do we Interpret Fitness Fashion Words?
In a healthy physiology, just before we go to do a thing, a reflex signal is sent via the NS to the brain. For example, if I see a heavy-looking bag and go to pick it up, ideally, the required protective muscles activate automatically and I don’t have to think too much about it. This happens when things are functioning as they should.
Read MoreLife in Flow; The Freedom of Allowing
Changing your Mind, Changes Everything… What we think of as our “mind” exists in every single cell of our body. At its essence, Yoga literally means there is no separation. Everything is one. Not so crazy when you consider our physical bodies are made up of stardust. The idea of non-separateness can challenge our ego-driven…
Read MoreWhy Optimal Breathing is LESS Breathing…
Contrary to what you might think, deep, excessive breathing, particularly through the mouth (hyperventilation) is dodgy because it brings in way more oxygen than the body can actually use. This excess oxygen doesn’t end up in your cells. What over-breathing does do though is constrict the blood vessels, block circulation, increase heart rate and BPR…
Read MoreStop Looking….Voila!
From time to time, when life has thrown a few lemons and/or things just don’t feel quite right within us, what do many of us do? We head off on a kind of pilgrimage. We need to “find” answers. We try this thing, that thing, another thing. We put our trust in people who don’t…
Read MoreWhy is Range of Movement & Flexibility So Important?
A few years ago, I remember a friend saying, “Why do I need to be flexible anyway?”. There are many, many reasons. Firstly, flexibility and mobility enables us to maintain good health by encouraging blood flow and circulation – there is limited blood flow into tense, tight muscles.
Read MoreHow to Relieve a Niggly Lower Back & Hips…
ack pain and/or hip stiffness or vice versa is the new normal and obviously there are many ingredients, not least the humble chair! If you feel stiff and niggly in your spine at the end of the day when you are in your 30s and have a desk job, imagine what this will feel like 30 years later….
Read MoreTo Squeeze and Tense, or Not to Squeeze and Tense?
That is the question…🤔! I am talking about muscles of course, and this is my perspective, based on my own yoga practise, years of exercise, study and experience. I grew up in this modern world – a world where women (especially, but now it’s men too), have been informed they need to have a flat,…
Read MoreHow do YOU Execute “Down Dog”?
Regular (and non-regular!) yogis, how do you enjoy this pose – Adhomukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) – or not (as the case often seems to be!). If you love it, let me know, if not, tell me why!!
Read MoreYoga & Pregnancy – Okay or Not?
Yoga and pregnancy make for an interesting combo. Firstly, there are those who believe pregnancy and yoga go together like strawberries and cream and it’s a great time to start. On the other hand, there are lots of regular yogis who suddenly disappear the moment, they find out, worried that they won’t be able to…
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