What is meant by “Sympathetic Dominance”?

Yoga in the Time of Corona…(Covid 19)

Relinquish Control. Accept. Take Each Day as it Comes. Yogis, let’s not stick our heads in the sand. It is time to be sensible and, praise be, nip this thing in the bud. I hope you are on board and understand what a difference it will make to the health of our whole community /…

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How’s Triks?

Trikonasana – “Triangle” pose. It’s so easy to miss instructions, we can tend to switch off and do what we’ve always done, the way that we’ve always done it. But, although most people who begin Yoga, hope to feel better in their physical body, many end up feeling worse. It’s simple techniques and tweaks that…

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Life in Flow; The Freedom of Allowing

Changing your Mind, Changes Everything… What we think of as our “mind” exists in every single cell of our body.  At its essence, Yoga literally means there is no separation. Everything is one. Not so crazy when  you consider our physical bodies are made up of stardust. The idea of non-separateness can challenge our ego-driven…

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The Power of the Pits!

The power of the pits! Did you know your armpits are linked to core strength? It’s fair to say that every physical movement creates a reaction elsewhere… Half-planks are a great way to build core strength, but if you find you get the shakes in your arm, it could be that you are holding tension…

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Why Optimal Breathing is LESS Breathing…

Contrary to what you might think, deep, excessive breathing, particularly through the mouth (hyperventilation) is dodgy because it brings in way more oxygen than the body can actually use. This excess oxygen doesn’t end up in your cells. What over-breathing does do though is constrict the blood vessels, block circulation, increase heart rate and BPR…

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Stop Looking….Voila!

From time to time, when life has thrown a few lemons and/or things just don’t feel quite right within us, what do many of us do? We head off on a kind of pilgrimage. We need to “find” answers. We try this thing, that thing, another thing. We put our trust in people who don’t…

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Why do Human Bodies Need To Move?

Why do humans need to exercise? It’s a shame if the first thing to pop into your mind was “to burn calories” as it sort of misses the point. Most of us in the modern, Western World eat far too much and just don’t move enough, so if we just stopped eating so much, we’d…

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